• 01/10/2015
  • 6489
Novec 1230 fire protection system - novec 1230 dry water fire protection system - use appropriate for data center / gas storage, liquid/ precious books/ art gallery, … - green fire fighting system, absolutely safe to the environment, people and property.


Novec 1230 fire protection system - novec 1230 dry water fire protection system - use appropriate for data center / gas storage, liquid/ precious books/ art gallery, … - green fire fighting system, absolutely safe to the environment, people and property.

1. Introduction of NOVEC 1230 dry water fire protection system.

- The most prominent feature of the system is the ability to react quickly before the fire danger: It works instantly as soon as there were only signs of a fire and the fire had yet to burst. Dried water itself has the trade name Novec 1230, or Fluorinated Ketone, or Dodecafluoro2-Methylpentane-3-One

- NOVEC 1230 - colorless, odorless, non-conductive, non-corrosive to metal, not leave scum substance should not spend time cleaning.

- NOVEC 1230 has met the most demanding requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency United States (EFA) and the International Association of Fire Prevention. NOVEC 1230 can be transported by air and not subject to restrictions on transport safety. If leaked, NOVEC 1230 will evaporate and decompose in 05 days automatically when natural light exposure.

- The chemical formula of water dry is CF3CF2C (O) CF (CF3) 2, it is full of water characteristics, but no adhesion properties such as water, The ability to extinguish fire is much higher than water and has the advantage of NOVEC 1230 is not damaging the electronic devices, the works of art such as paintings, statuary and furniture... Because they are completely dry.

- Strictly speaking, this special kind of water only in liquid form when stored, preserved in a compressed jar, while being sprayed out to put out the fire, immediately turn into steam. With the same volume, a dry water tank with high performance fire extinguishing foam than average CO2 or other inert gases.

- This system replaces water and traditional gases (since water can damage many things and many fire extinguishing gases can cause chemical burns if in contact with human skin).

- The fire suppression mechanism of dry water - NOVEC 1230 is also very different from ordinary water.

- Normal water (H2O) has the effect of lowering the temperature of fire source, absorbing that heat to evaporate into steam, and steam to block the source of fire,  not to fire sources in contact with oxygen. However, when at very high temperatures, water is split into two different gases, hydrogen and oxygen (which we all know, oxygen is the gas needed for combustion).

- Meanwhile, dry water is directly involved in the combustion reaction and it is this participation has the effect of preventing the burning process immediately. If the boiling temperature of water at normal pressure is 1000C then the dry water is 490C. The water is frozen at 00C, while the water is dry at 1080C, a huge disparity.

- To completely turn 1 liter of water into steam it takes a temperature of 2,442 kJ, but with dry water, the corresponding number is only 95 kJ. The secret lies in the fact that dry water does not contain hydrogen atoms, so there are absolutely no chemical bonds related to hydrogen, from that the interaction between the molecules of dry water is much weaker than normal water. properties above, especially the ability to quickly switch from liquid to vapor form, though at low temperatures, so that may take effect immediately, then as soon as new fires arise, the big fire has not flared and the temperature where the fire occurred is not yet pushed up higher.

Thành phần hệ thống PCCC Novec 1230

- NOVEC 1230 dry water fire protection system is completely safe for the ozone layer, does not cause global warming effect and greenhouse effect. It can be said: NOVEC 1230 fire protection system is Green fire protection product.


NOVEC 1230


(Pyrogen, Stat-X)

Argonite, Nitrogen, Pyroshield, Inergen

Structure: C6F12O. Liquid

Structure: C3F7H. Gas form.

Structure: A mixture containing 62.3% KNO3

Structure: A mixture of Nitrogen, Argon, CO2 gas.

Fire fighting by lowering the temperature of the area to below the fire threshold.

Fire fighting by lowering the temperature of the area to below the fire threshold.

Fire fighting by lowering the temperature of the area to below the fire threshold.

Fire with a high pressure method pushes oxygen out of the area, reducing oxygen levels below the fire threshold.

Very safe. Users can stay in the area when discharging fire extinguishing gas.

Very safe. Users can stay in the area when discharging fire extinguishing gas.

Very safe. Users can stay in the area when discharging fire extinguishing gas.

Users are not allowed to stay in the area when discharging fire-fighting gas due to the risk of suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

No electrical conductivity, no damage to the device.

No electrical conductivity, no damage to the device.

Potential to damage electronic equipment due to Potassium salt.

No electrical conductivity, no damage to the device.

No damage to the environment.

Causing a greenhouse effect (low rate)

No damage to the environment.

No damage to the environment.

Pressure tank of 25bar low, can set fire extinguisher in the area needing fire.

Pressure tank of 25bar low, can set fire extinguisher in the area needing fire.

Compact fire extinguisher tank, no need of piping system.

High pressure container from 150 to 300 bar, there is a risk of explosion, must be separate from the fire fighting area.

2. Composition of a Novec 1230 fire fighting system

Novec 1230 fire extinguishing system has the following main components:

-  Novec 1230 gas

- Valve system

- system of air ducts, nozzles

-  Warning signs

- Clock to monitor tank pressure

- Control center

- Bell, siren

- Fire detectors / heat detectors

- The impact buttons

3. Where do You need to install NOVEC 1230 Fire protection system?

This fire protection system is suitable for areas:

- Data control and processing room / Datacenter / Server room / IT room

- Transformer room, electric panel

- Phone room

- Radio transceiver stations

- Large computing centers

- Engines of ship machines, car engines, ...

- Warehouses for gas and flammable liquids

- Warehouse of books, libraries, hospitals, ...

When designing Novec 1230 fire fighting system, should consider two main factors:

- Assess the level of danger, determine the type of protection: electrical cabinets, cable tunnels, etc.  Considering ventilation systems form closed or open, equipment installation location, ..

- Calculate the number of Novec 1230 needed and the electrical requirements

Hệ thống PCCC Novec

In particular, IDT also supports Customers to apply for fire protection licenses granted by the provincial fire protection police department, if you request.

Need more information about fire protection systems for data centers, please contact IDT for more specific advice:

Address: 68 Nguyen Hue, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Tp. Ho Chi Minh
Phone: 086 270 97 97 - 0934 08 35 27
Hotline: 0943 05 38 27
