- 29/08/2015
- 9805
FIRE FIGHTING SOLUTIONS FOR DATA CENTER With many years of experience in the field of design and construction of technical infrastructure for DC rooms, IDT specializes in providing specialized fire protection solutions with clean technology for data centers such as FM 200, VESDA, STAT X, NOVEC 1230, ...
To build a data center (English called Datacenter - DC for short) at least 5-7 billion VND, to serve the production and business activities of the unit. However, recently, some big DC fires have alarmed the safety of the system.
Design FM200 fire protection system
In February 2014, the Iron Mountain storage and information management plant in Buenos Aires, Argentina was also burned by fire. In addition to damage to the infrastructure and data loss, there were also casualties in an attempt to extinguish the fire. (Technology consulting magazine, "Fire destroys the data warehouse in Buenos Aires", February 2014).
Design FM200 fire protection system for Server room
Also in 2014, a fire at Samsung building in Gwacheon, South Korea significantly affected DC operation. Consumers all over the world receive the "error on Samsung phones and tablets", while the website has completely collapsed (Engadget, April 2014).
In the morning of May 26, 2015, a $ 2 billion data center of Apple in Mesa, in the state of Arizona, was ablaze (Digitaltrends).
This shows the special importance of an effective fire protection solution for DC. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), "78% of the causes of DC fires come from electronic equipment, including: Ignition equipment (33%); lighting (29%); ventilation, air conditioning (16%). "
But these devices play an extremely important and indispensable role in DC rooms. Therefore, the only way is to equip a fire protection system that meets the requirements for the DC room. Fire sprinkler measures only protect buildings and staff who do not ensure safety for high-value equipment of the DC room, are unable to prevent fire spreading large electric cables and telecommunication cables. in the pipes inside the DC room.
Design FM200 fire protection system
With many years of experience in the field of design and construction of technical infrastructure for DC rooms, IDT specializes in providing fire protection solutions with clean technology of systems VESDA, NOVEC - 1230, FM200 , STAT-X, PYROGEN ...
Typically, a fire extinguishing system for Data Center includes devices:
Fire extinguisher can be FM200, Novec 1230, STAT-X, ...
Fire detectors and detectors: using laser air element analysis technology, capable of detecting and warning fires as soon as the initial manifestations of fire appear, protection applications for those areas where high-value equipment and properties are located.
Central fire alarm control cabinet
Integrated management software
Fire fighting system with clean technology.
In particular, after completing the construction of a fire protection system at your center, IDT will be responsible for obtaining a Fire Protection Certificate from the Fire Protection Department.
Email IDT at: for more suitable advice for Your DC.
Design FM200 fire protection system
Design FM200 fire protection system